Всероссийский молодежный форум "Территория смыслов на Клязьме"

Добавлено: 23.06.2015 г. в 21:36

Агентство Республики Коми по делам молодежи информирует о проведении Всероссийского молодежного форума "Территория смыслов на Клязьме", который пройдет с 13 июля по 28 августа 2015 года во Владимирской области (Камешковский район, д. Дворики, оз. Запольское).

В рамках Форума будет организована работа 6 смен, которые объединят 6000 молодых профессионалов, студентов и аспирантов ВУЗов.

Просим принять участие всех молодых депутатов и политических лидеров, молодых журналистов и гражданских активистов.

На смену "Молодые депутаты и политические лидеры" (21 июля - 27 июля) приглашаются молодые депутаты региональных и муниципальных органов власти, а также лидеры молодежных организаций политических партий.

Смена "Молодые руководители социальных НКО и проектов" (6 августа - 12 авкуста) соберет молодых руководителей социальных НКО и молодых лидеров федеральных и региональных социальных проектов.

Обращаться можно по электронной почте uokortkeros@mail.ru или по телефону 9-26-32 Надуткина Марина Владимировна.

С подробной информацией можно ознакомиться на сайте - http://территориясмыслов.рф


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Дата: 1.10.2018 17:23
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Дата: 1.10.2018 17:22
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Дата: 1.10.2018 17:03
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Гость: BramVOVAKZ
Дата: 1.10.2018 16:45
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Гость: EROMulgeltII
Дата: 1.10.2018 16:40
Комментарий: The spa erotic calls visit one of the kinds massage, is what we do. What is an body to body massage interested in everyone. Taoist Erotic Massage (TEM) is the art to give for happiness. You willextremely surprised to that,what variety pleasure can get to know from choice massage. In massage studio Taoist Erotic Massage (TEM) girls will hold best happy ending massage. How is it done, and is there something exotic? We will tell you all about him that you wanted to know |Our oriental massage is visited not only by men but also by women, and also by couples. You necessarily want to enjoy only this infinitely … Our primary а task this is to please customer beautiful physical Aqua massage. Private approach to your desires and requests. The beautiful women our the salon will give you an unforgettable experience. The spa center is a place of rest and relaxation. Such chiromassage massage, as though, and relaxation, exert influence on defined elements naked body, what helps customer relax. Give your preference not just to one, but to two masseuses! Choose for yourself massezha by external data, both professional and professional abilities! Our salon in N.Y.C. are ready to provide luxurious quarters with convenient style. These rooms apply be you you are staying with us not attracting the attention of other customers. Our showroom works in NJ. Masseuses Jordan - [url=https://erotic.manhattan-massage.com]erotic massage service[/url]

Гость: SigmorOiPM
Дата: 1.10.2018 16:38
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Гость: EROMulgeltII
Дата: 1.10.2018 16:38
Комментарий: The spa erotic calls visit one of the kinds massage, is what we do. What is an body to body massage interested in everyone. Taoist Erotic Massage (TEM) is the art to give for happiness. You willextremely surprised to that,what variety pleasure can get to know from choice massage. In massage studio Taoist Erotic Massage (TEM) girls will hold best happy ending massage. How is it done, and is there something exotic? We will tell you all about him that you wanted to know |Our oriental massage is visited not only by men but also by women, and also by couples. You necessarily want to enjoy only this infinitely … Our primary а task this is to please customer beautiful physical Aqua massage. Private approach to your desires and requests. The beautiful women our the salon will give you an unforgettable experience. The spa center is a place of rest and relaxation. Such chiromassage massage, as though, and relaxation, exert influence on defined elements naked body, what helps customer relax. Give your preference not just to one, but to two masseuses! Choose for yourself massezha by external data, both professional and professional abilities! Our salon in N.Y.C. are ready to provide luxurious quarters with convenient style. These rooms apply be you you are staying with us not attracting the attention of other customers. Our showroom works in NJ. Masseuses Jordan - [url=https://erotic.manhattan-massage.com]erotic massage service[/url]

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